It's been a good amount of days that have passed since I have composed my thoughts. Every day I think of what I want to write about, lately I have put some long days in the gym and by the time I get home, I am spent, but I am happy. I have many thoughts and ideas that pop up, so organizing them in my mind is fun.
So with the time I have right now, I am thinking about the days I spend in the gym. The long hours that are put into my training. It is one day at a time, one workout, lift or movement at a time. Of course, there is a plan, a strategy behind it. The master mind is Alex :). He sits down, will compose our programming, break it down into months, weeks and days. I admire the knowledge and intellect that he has. He motivates me to learn. To read and study so I can know more, so I can be a better coach, for myself, for him, my clients, friends and family. He spends a lot of time doing this and I am so thankful for it, all of it. Thank you so much Alex.
After the programming is in order, we talk about it, discuss what we are working towards and make a plan of action. Then comes the work, the hours in the gym. Good thing I love the gym :), I could and do spend many hours in here (currently on break between classes). Most every day that I train is plus three hours. One hour (sometimes more) is mobility and my shoulder rehab/strengthening exercises. Then I will do my workouts for the day, some days are sprints, other days are dynamic lifts, then some sort of met con. Of course, there are other lifts and accessory work that are included through out the week. Then, hopefully another 45-60 minutes of stretching.
Not every day is a great day. Some days are harder than others; they take more mental strength than anything. On Mon I have a workout that beat me down. I had already had two full days of training and this was my third. I had the hardest time trying to do a muscle up. I tried and tried, over and over. If you were in the 9am class, you probably saw me staring at the rings, determined to get those muscle ups. I did the workout with my friends Leni and Stav, they were working through the muscle ups and the other lifts and were encouraging me at the same time. Thank you so much Len and Stav, I really appreciate the support you both offered. Your words helped me. I tried so hard to keep it together, but it ate at me, deep inside. I knew I could do this movement because I have done them over and over before.
I finally got three and then was able to move forward, but then I came back to my rings and tried again. I was not able to get any more in the workout. I broke down after, cried my heart out. I could not share this with you all, but I am being my true self. I am being honest, open and sharing the days that are hardest for me. Not every day may be a day where you hit a personal record (PR), but you should put your heart into your training and what is important to you.
I took some time to recover and cool down. Then I refocused and worked on my next life. Funny thing is, I had muscle ups as accessory later. I tried a different strategy: switched rings and used a box to get my grip verses just jumping onto the rings, but it made a difference and I got all the muscles ups. I didn't give up, I kept going and I will keep going.
Take one day at a time. Focus on what you have going on in that day. Yes, what you did in the past is important and it's smart to plan for the future, but make sure to stay in the present moment and value all you are doing.